Jika akun twitter anda tersuspend maka anda akan tetap bisa login ke akun tersebut . hanya saja anda tidak akan bisa men tweet , follow dan meng unfollow teman anda , sementara itu timeline tetap berjalan semesti nya
Baiklah marilah kita mulai Cara Unsuspend Akun Twitter
- Silahkan masuk ke https://support.twitter.com/forms/general?subtopic=suspended
- Isi semua form yang di butuhkan dengan tepat
- Untuk diskripsi problem kalian bisa copy di bawah ini
Hey Twitter, I’m @blablabla My Account was suspended and I don’t know my fault. Please bring my account back. I need it so much
I am so sorry if I made many spam tweets and the impact is now my account is suspended. I am hereby apologize and hopefully my account could be reactivated soon. And I am hereby promise that I will never spamming again. I miss my account so much. I hope to hear the reply soon.
- Klik submit
- Bukan email anda yang tercantum dalam form
- Tunggu beberapa menit sampai ada email dari twitter
- Lalu balas email tersebut dengan kata – kata yang menyakinkan pihak twitter bahwa anda tidak akan melakukan pelangaran terhadap T.O.S mereka , jawab saja seperti ini
I am hereby confirming and promise that I am, as a user, will not message large numbers of users via @ reply manually, I will not continue to do so. I am so sorry if I made many spam tweets and the impact is now my account is suspended. I am hereby promise that I will never spamming again and I will not message large numbers of users via @ reply manually.
I understand your policies and will not engage in any prohibited following behavior. Please, I miss and need my account
Tunggu beberapa saat akun anda akan terunsuspend
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